Check out the Innfinite online booking tool
Check out the Innfinite online booking tool
Book travel from any device.
The Innfinite online booking tool’s responsive design enables your travelers to access and book all available fares from their mobile device.
Stay compliant.
Help employees book within policy by giving them a booking tool that makes it easy.
Custom Views
Decide exactly how you want your content to display. Restrict entry-level employees to the lowest fare view. Or allow management to see all fare buckets.
Saving Calculator
A calculator built into the tool provides some visual encouragement—and a touch of visual guilt—to guide employees through the booking process.
Innfinite offers a user experience similar to consumer tools to keep younger employees on the tool and prevent leakage.
User friendly?
A booking tool first.
We designed Innfinite to look and feel like a consumer booking tool, making the booking of corporate travel simple and intuitive.
Real support, real fast.
A travel program has many moving parts. Ensure your travel management software is the least of your worries.
Talk to a developer
Your account representative will put you in direct contact with a developer if an issue arises.
Demand fast resolution
We pride ourselves on our ability to offer clients fast turnaround on issue resolution.
Gain access to our support team any time, any day, year round.
Travel. Expense. Report.
Reign in travel spend by enforcing a comprehensive travel & expense policy. We partner with a number of expense tools to help you manage your T & E spend.
GDS Integration
A roadmap of our GDS integrations.
Completion date pending.
Integration completed.
Completion date pending.
Automated exchanges
They're finally here!
Manage any segment of a traveler reservation during or after the time of booking.
Cancel a booking without agent assistance to save time & cost
Exchange an existing booking without the need of agent assistance.
Get refunded
Innfinite automatically issues immediate reimbursement to the credit card on file for applicable fare classes.
Pay or get paid
Innfinite will automatically pay out the difference in flight cost, or reimburse the credit card on file when the traveler chooses a cheaper flight.
Jets & charters.
Executive travel management is typically managed separate of your main travel program. Innfinite enables you to manage private jets and charters alongside commercial bookings to create a truly comprehensive travel program.
Talk to a specialist
“Innfinity’s product suite offers flexibility, functionality and ease of use, that is comparable or superior to most any recognised “OBT” in the market today.”
We care about Canada.
That's why we offer the richest air content of any online booking tool in Canada.
Energy, Resource, & Marine
A booking tool that meets the travel and lodging needs of your crew movements.