Less than 100 travelers?
No need to break the bank.
We know smaller companies need corporate travel management too. We’re flexible on pricing with your TMC so you can afford to manage travel within your budget.
Seeing is believing.
The Travel Savings Calculator lets employees booking their own itineraries know how much they’re saving. And for those employees that are less cost-conscious… a little visual guilt never hurt.
Tailored travel & expense management
The Innfinite online booking tool integrates to a number of travel expense systems, allowing you to manage your travel expenses with your favorite expense tool.
Talk to a specialist
Find the lowest fares.
Need to cut costs? Tighten your belt by only displaying the lowest fares available at the time of booking.
Risk Management & Duty of Care
Innfinite offers integrations to a number of Duty of Care tools to help you manage & mitigate risk.
Less traveler friction
View flight routing scores when booking air to ensure travelers arrive on time and without complications once they land.
Seamless integration
Booking data feeds seamlessly into your Duty of Care tool, cutting setup time and eliminating disparities in data.
Minimize liability
Leverage the integration between Innfinite and your Duty of Care tool to safeguard against liability by mitigating risk.
Keep your travelers in policy.
The Innfinite online booking tool helps you enforce your policy and reduces leakage.
Book responsibly.
The perfect balance of color and visual guilt (see: Savings Calculator—zooms up) guides your employees to make smarter travel booking decisions.
Negotiated rates? Non-negotiable.
Restrict booking to only preferred airlines, hotels or rental car companies to get the most out of your negotiated rates.
Why it’s critical to establish a direct line of communication between travel managers and developers